CEO - Chief Executive Officer . SPAR NORD BANK A/S: Branch address: SKELAGERVEJ: Branch code: XXX: Bank name: SPAR NORD BANK A/S: City: AALBORG: Country: Denmark: SPAR NORD BANK A/S SWIFT Code Details A SWIFT/BIC is an 8-11 character code that identifies your country, city, bank, and branch. Industry: Banking: Transparent ratings and rankings . See more of Spar Nord Private Banking+ on Facebook. 9200 - Aalborg. Jan 2015; Financial Calendar for 2015 19. Spar Nord Bank A/S. Anmeldelser: 0. Denmark. Kredsbestyrelsen i Spar Nord Kreds. Ved at klikke på linket: Rediger oplysninger, redigere Vejnavn og nummer, postnummer, telefon numer of Filial Spar Nord I Aalborg, Skelagervej 15, Send os dine kommentarer og forslag. SPAR NORD BANK A/S is headquartered in Aalborg. 1.2 Spar Nord has registered the following ancillary names: SBN Bank A/S (SparNord Bank A/S), Sparbank Nord Nord A . Spar Nord Leasing. Business Summary. Spar Nord Private Banking+. It says who and where they are — a sort of international bank code or ID. Renteaendring. Copyright © 2012-2021. Spar Nord Kreds www . 2.3 km - Aalborg, Hobrovej 452. × --- . Flere butikker. SPAR NORD BANK A/S, 469 likes. Reklamebeskyttet. Åbn tilbudsavis . Åben. Log In. Hvor opdateret er din virksomhed? Wise does not take responsibility or have any liability to you or anyone for any risks that may be associated with these banks or financial institutions or the jurisdictions they operate in, nor any transactions that you or any other person may undertake with these organisations. A SWIFT code — sometimes also called a SWIFT number — is a standard format for Business Identifier Codes (BIC). Spar Nord Bank - Skelagervej 15, Aalborg - Tilbud, åbningstider og telefonnummer. no. ☝ Læs mere her! Hvor opdateret er din virksomhed? Manage your money across 50+ currencies. Reklamebeskyttet. Banks in the USA use SWIFT codes, but they don't use IBANs. Spar Nord Bank A/S. More on IBAN numbers. 9000 Aalborg. About Spar Nord Bank A/S. How do we collect this data? 9000 - Aalborg. Fundet i bogen – Side 1060... Spar Nord Bank A / S Commercial Bank Retail Bank / Savings Bank Consolidated Financial Figures ( In Millions ) Estb 1824 12/31/06 DKK USD Skelagervej 15 ... 9200 - Aalborg. giver dig firmainformation om SPAR NORD BANK A/S, 13737584. Spar Nord FormueInvest A/S is a Denmark-based investment company that invests in various portfolios of listed bonds and shares, and in diverse finance instruments . Sanne Krog Lund. Spar Nord Storkunde - Erhverv No bad exchange rates. 64.19.00: Other monetary intermediation (Dansk Branchekode 2007) 64.19: Other monetary intermediation (European Community NACE Rev 2) 6419: Other monetary intermediation (UN ISIC Rev 4) Number Of Employees 1000-999999 Previous Names. You'll get the real exchange rate with the low fee we're known for. Spar Nord Leasing Skelagervej 15. Spar Nord Bank is a local Danish bank, focused on providing retail banking products and services to individuals and SMEs, including loans, payment cards, cash management as well as a wide range of savings, insurance and pension products. Åben i 10:00 I dag. Chicago Roasthouse Gøteborgvej 2 . 15 9000 AalborgVis ruteplan. Nærmeste Filial Spar Nord. General Information - Spar Nord Bank A/S. Guidance for profit after tax, suspended since March, is now reintroduced at DKK 350-550 million. I Spar Nord søger vi at kombinere nærværende og personlig rådgivning med tidssvarende og digitale løsninger. 32661405. We’re on a mission to bring transparency to finance, for people without borders. 76223103. #1016621915 February 2, 2011. Mr. Nyby holds the position of Chairman at JSNA Holding A, Chairman at Aktieselskabet Skelagervej 15, Chief Executive. All Rights Reserved. Chicago Roasthouse Gøteborgvej 2 . Not Now. Vis nummer. Tlf. Beskeder . Spar Nord Storkunde - Privat. 0.32 km. Denmark. Postboks 162. They add hidden markups to their exchange rates - charging you more without your knowledge. 9000 - Aalborg. Se Banker tilbud. Spar Nord Bank A/S CVR 13737584 Swift SPNODK22 GIIN NBDPS6.99999.SL.208 EAN 5790002328930 I Spar Nord Leasing har vi gennem en årrække specialiseret os i at . 96 34 40. Compare our rate and fee with Western Union, ICICI Bank, WorldRemit and more, and see the difference for yourself. 39 3000 HelsingørVis ruteplan. Spar Nord FormueInvest A/S: Skelagervej 15: Postboks 162: Phone: 45 96 34 42 00 p:45 96 34 42 00: Aalborg, 9100 Denmark : Ticker: SPNFI SPNFI: This company is no longer actively traded on any major stock exchange. Søren Nielsen A/S Fredrikstadvej 7-9. Luk. 1 3. Find vejbeskrivelse, kontaktinfo, regnskabstal, ledelse, bestyrelse og ejere. Banks in the USA use SWIFT codes, but they don't use IBANs. Find your SWIFT code here. Åben. 0.41 km. 0.32 km. Not every bank branch has a SWIFT code, which means you can usually use the code for the bank’s head office. Nov 2014. If you think you've used the wrong SWIFT code to send money, you should get in contact with your bank right away. No surprises. Åben. SPAR NORD BANK A/S is . A SWIFT code — sometimes also called a SWIFT number — is a standard . SBN BANK A/S (trading name, 1989-12 . Denmark Banks. External Public Records. Bogen belyser de forskellige måder, hvormed familiebegrebet forstås og praktiseres både nationalt og internationalt Databeskyttelsesrådgiver Øvrige oplysninger om bankens behandling af personoplysninger. 96 16 13 31 9200 - Aalborg. Vis nummer. 9000 - Aalborg. July 2021, Spar . Leder du efter ny bank i Aalborg, så kig forbi, eller kontakt Spar Nord Bank - Aalborg Skelagervej 15 9000 Aalborg Email: Telefon: 96 34 40 00 Åbningstider Mandag: 9:00 - 16:00 Tirsdag: 9:00 - 16:00 Onsdag: 9:00 - 16:00 Torsdag: 9:00 - 16:00 Fredag: 9:00 - 16:00 ACTIVE. : + 45 70 13 13 34 Spar Nord Visa Kredit with . Get more information. SPAR NORD BANK A/S is rated by Moody's. 492 people like this. 15 9000 AalborgVis ruteplan. I Private Banking har vi specialiseret os i at rådgive formuende kunder. 25 27 07 40 Send mail. Kort Flere butikker Online butik Følg. You'll get the real exchange rate with the low fee we're known for. 9000 - Aalborg. 9200 - Aalborg. Åbningstider filialer Spar Nord Aalborg. BIC/SWIFT: SPNODK22. Spar Nord ← De Små Ting. Find your SWIFT code here. Country code A-Z 2 . A SWIFT code — sometimes also called a SWIFT number — is a standard format for Business Identifier Codes (BIC). Spar Nord's distribution policy is to distribute 30-50 % of the net profits as dividend, provided that the . Established in 1824, the bank offers savings products, loans and credits, payment services products, nonlife insurance products and life insurance and pension products. Vis nummer. 1 stjerne: Dårlig Tænk . Fællesmøde hos Spar Nord. Scroll ned. Not every bank branch has a SWIFT code, which means you can usually use the code for the bank’s head office. 96 34 40. SKELAGERVEJ, SKELAGERVEJ 15; ZIP / POSTAL CODE 9200 SV; Status Check; Money Transfer Save on international fees by using Wise, which is up to 8x cheaper than SWIFT transfers. 9000 Aalborg. In 2020 its total assets were 102,16 bln DKK, providing the bank with the market share of 1.23%. This deposit guarantee scheme applies to cash deposits made by natural persons, legal entities and covers up to up to 100,000 EUR per bank per depositor. or. Book et møde. 7: Danske Andelskassers Bank A/S has published an "assessment of Spar Nord's offer and notice of capital increase" NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN OR TO ANY JURISDICTION WHERE TO DO SO WOULD CONSTITUTE A VIOLATION OF THE . Fundet i bogenDet har Rune Lykkeberg sat sig for at undersøge i bogen ”Vesten mod Vesten”. Rune Lykkeberg (f. 1974) har studeret filosofi og litteraturvidenskab ved Københavns Universitet. Spar Nord Leasing Skelagervej 15. Skelagervej 15, 9000 Aalborg . Spar Nord Aalborg Læs mere. Wise may not provide services in the jurisdiction in question. Åbn tilbudsavis . Erfaring i branchen. Skelagervej. For a list of our supported countries, please see here. It usually looks like a shortened version of that bank's name. And if they have a fee, they charge you twice. Det er min vigtigste opgave at sikre, at Spar Nord til enhver tid stiller retvisende, relevant og rettidig information til rådighed for bankens interessenter. Skelagervej 15 Postboks . Åbn tilbudsavis. Find afdeling og medarbejdere herunder ved at klikke på afdelingen. 549300DHT635Q5P8J715 . 162. 9000 - Aalborg. Spar Nord Bank A/S Skelagervej 15 Postboks 162 9100 Aalborg 96 16 13 31 SPAR NORD LEASING A/S. Facebook. Oct 2014. 9380 Swift spno dk 22 17.06.2020 NASDAQ Copenhagen 17 June 20 20 Company Announceme nt no 17 Annual General Meeting of Spar Nord Bank A/S At the Annual General Meeting held on 17 June 2020, the shareholders: • adopted the reports submitted and approved the allocation of net profit • adopted the remuneration policy proposed by the Board . Bemærk at det IKKE er modtagerens nummer, men derimod et servicenummer, der stiller dig igennem til modtageren. Fundet i bogen – Side 530... S 30-539-5212 SPAR NORD BANK AS Skelagervej 15 , Aalborg , Nordjylland 9000 Denmark Telephone 33308700 Ownership Date 1989 Sales US 69,486,278 Emp Total ... Spar Nord's primary target groups are retail . Vis nummer. It operates within two business segments. Jan 2015; Spar Nord Bank A/S briefs about issues that will impact the 2014 full-year result 12. 28 26 80. Fundet i bogen – Side 3365Spar Nord Bankaktieselskab 34,685 51,097 Bank debt . 127,456 Address : SKelagervej 15 , P.O. Box 162 , Aalborg , ( Denmark ) share capital ; par DKK100.00 . Country code A-Z 2 . 27 were here. Spar Nord Bank Skelagervej 15. tv 9000 AalborgVis ruteplan. Spar Nord Bank A/S Skelagervej 15 Postboks 162 9100 Aalborg CVR nummer 13738584 Telefonnummer 96 34 40 00 E-mail: Databeskyttelsesrådgiver: E-mail: Telefonnummer 96 34 43 20 Adresse: Skelagervej 15, postboks 162, 9100 Aalborg, Att. 10:00-16:00: Nonstop: Tir. Aug 2014. Beskeder . Skelagervej 15, 9000, Aalborg, Denmark. Send money Receive money. Fundet i bogen – Side 1542271m . , res 42m . , dep . 7,580m . ( Dec. 2006 ) ; Chair . TOMMY AGERSKOV THOMSEN ; Man . Dir and CEO PETER SCHOU ; 14 brs . Spar Nord Bank ... 1 9000 AalborgVis ruteplan. Company Number 13737584. It usually looks like a shortened version of that bank's name. Renteaendring. Fundet i bogen – Side 393Head Office Spar Nord Bank A / S Address : Skelagervej 15 , DK - 9000 Aalborg , Denmark Tel : +45 9634 4000 Fax : +45 9634 4571 Email : sparnord ... Legal Jurisdiction. Åben. Vis nummer. 15 9000 AalborgVis ruteplan. LEI 549300DHT635Q5P8J715. 9200 - Aalborg. Ruteplan. 29.74 km. Wise may not provide services in the jurisdiction in question. Spar Nords største styrke er evnen til at være en nærværende og personlig bank. Spar Nord Bank A/S Skelagervej 15 9100 Aalborg, Denmark Tel +45 96 34 40 00 E-mail: This card is the property of If P&C Insurance, Denmark and must be returned upon request. Find afdeling og medarbejdere herunder ved at klikke på afdelingen. Wise never hides fees in the exchange rate. Spar Nord Leasing er staðsett á Skelagervej 15, 9000 Álaborg, Denmark, nálægt þessum stað eru: Spar Nord Ejendomsselskab A/S (0 m), Jsna Holding A/S (0 m), Spar Nord Bank (18 m), A/B Mastrup sø-Park (55 m), Debito inkasso ApS (56 m). See 1 photo and 2 tips from 48 visitors to Spar Nord Bank. Spar Nord Cup 2013 . Spar Nord Bank A/S Executive Board Spar Nord Bank A/S Skelagervej 15 9000 Aalborg, Denmark Sort code [Number] Swift spno dk 22 06.04.2020 To NASDAQ Copenhagen 6 April 2020 Company announcement no. Åben. 96 34 40. Skelagervej 15 Aalborg DK-81 DK 9000. 2013-01-16 07:02:00 . 96344000. Make a one-off payment. You’ll need to use one when sending money internationally. 9000 Aalborg. Kædekontoret Gøteborgvej 15-17. Spar Nord Bank tilbud i Hjørring og andre fremhævede kataloger. The Spar Nord . 30 check-ins. DK. 9200 - Aalborg. Compare our rate and fee with Western Union, ICICI Bank, WorldRemit and more, and see the difference for yourself. Fundet i bogen – Side 165Dir and CEO PETER SCHOU ; 14 brs . Spar Nord Bank : Skelagervej 15 , POB 162 , 9100 Ålborg ; tel . 96-3440-00 ; fax 96-34-45-75 ; e - mail sparnord ... Wise is cheaper and faster than most banks - and creating an account only takes a few seconds. Flere butikker. Banks and other transfer services have a dirty little secret. They add hidden markups to their exchange rates - charging you more without your knowledge. Skelagervej 15. Over 30 dage. Spar Nord Bank A/S. When sending or receiving money, always check the SWIFT code with your recipient or bank. Ring eller skriv endelig til mig, hvis du har spørgsmål eller kommentarer. Kun for. GIIN nr: NBDPS6.99999.SL . Vores måde at være på er "tæt på dig og din formue" og "afslappet skarphed". Lasse Nyby. CEO - Chief Executive Officer (Adm. direktør) John Lundsgaard . Åben. Udgangspunktet er, at det skal være nemt og fleksibelt at betale regninger, bestille nye kort, opsige dine abonnementer og alle de andre funktioner, vores løsninger . I bogen stilles fokus på de mange eksistentielle dilemmaer, der kan fremkalde livskriser for os alle. I bogen er anvisninger til, hvordan man kommer videre. Legal Form Legal Form Code. Wise is cheaper and faster than most banks – and creating an account only takes a few seconds. Vis nummer. Spar Nord Bank A/S is a Denmark-based bank focused on household customers, and small and medium-sized enterprises. In the Eurozone, you'll always need an IBAN and a SWIFT/BIC code. SPAR NORD BANK A/S: Branch address: SKELAGERVEJ 15: Branch code: XXX: Bank name: SPAR NORD BANK A/S: City: AALBORG: Country: Denmark: SPAR NORD BANK A/S SWIFT Code Details A SWIFT/BIC is an 8-11 character code that identifies your country, city, bank, and branch. No hidden fees. Vis ruteplan. Spar Nord aquires customer portfolio from FIH 21. 49 25 04. Åben. Spar Nord Bank A/S Executive BoardSpar Nord raises its guidance for core earnings before impairment for 2021 Spar Nord Bank A/S Skelagervej 15 9000 Aalborg, Denmark Sort code: 9190 Swift spno dk 22 13.10.2021 Company announcement no. Spar Nord | 14.298 følgere på LinkedIn. Legal Name. Åben. I Spar Nord kan du møde rådgivere, der har specialiseret sig inden for alt fra landbrug til investering og forvaltning af formuer. One of the banks in Denmark, located in Skelagervej 15, 9000, Aalborg, A/S 'Spar Nord Bank' is a financial institution providing numerous banking services to corporate and private clients. Wise does not take responsibility or have any liability to you or anyone for any risks that may be associated with these banks or financial institutions or the jurisdictions they operate in, nor any transactions that you or any other person may undertake with these organisations. Finde alle adresser, åbningstider og telefonnummer for Spar Nord Bank i Aalborg og andre banker. 9100 Aalborg. 7.30. A SWIFT code is a set of 8 or 11 digits that represents a bank branch. Finansiel kommunikation; 96 34 40 00 At end-2017, the market value amounted to DKK 8.9 billion. You’ll need to use one when sending money internationally. Er dette din virksomhed? Hvor opdateret er din virksomhed? No bad exchange rates. LEAN - Implementering i danske virksomheder er den første danske bog med cases og eksempler på, hvordan lean gennem de sidste fem år er blevet indført på vidt forskellige danske arbejdspladser. Dette vil hjælpe andre brugere at få nøjagtige resultater. It says who and where they are — a sort of international bank code or ID. 48.65 km. SPAR NORD BANK A/S is a member of Finansiel Stabilitet and makes its contributions into it. Vores måde at være på er "tæt på dig og din. AALBORG, Kontakt administrator. 96344000. #1002561536 June 28, 1985. I Spar Nord stiller vi de nødvendige spørgsmål og kommer tæt på. Annuller OK. Du er nu afmeldt arrangementet. Swift Code SPNODK22XXX Breakdown No. Spar Nord Bank. Swift spno dk 22. AALBORG, Privatlivs- og . Hvor opdateret er din virksomhed? It depends on the country you're sending money to. 13 73 75 84 To Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen and the press 18 August 2010 Stock Exchange Announcement No. ZRPO. Skelagervej 15; 9000; Aalborg; Denmark; Industry Codes. Skelagervej. 499 people follow this. 12 52 35 80 Adelgade 8 DK-7800 Skive ("Sparbank") do hereby jointly make the following MERGER PLAN 1 COMPANIES COMPRISED 1.1 The merger comprises Spar Nord and Sparbank. Danmark. Bank code A-Z 4 letters representing the bank. Fundet i bogen – Side 590Poul Poulsen Consult A / S Denmark SPA HOLDING APS Islands Brygge 34a Floors 5. ... Spar Es Huse Aps Denmark SPAR NORD BANK A / S Skelagervej 15 , Aalborg ... Name Travel dates Insurance card + 45 70 13 13 34 If Assistance - SOS International a/s (24 hour service) Tel. 9000 - Aalborg. meaningful digits: 8 - The short 8-letter swift refers to the PRIMARY Office of SPAR NORD BANK A S Institution / Bank Code: SPNO - This is the institution / bank code assigned to SPAR NORD BANK A S . About Us . Se telefonnummer Få mere information. Lyngvej. We give you the real rate, independently provided by Reuters. No surprises. 0.03 km. Banker. Guest. Danmarks mest personlige bank | Spar Nord er en bank, der søger at kombinere nærværende personlig rådgivning og service med tidssvarende og innovative digitale tilbud. 9000 Aalborg. Skelagervej 15. Spar Nord Bank A/S is a Denmark-based bank focused on household customers, and small and medium-sized enterprises. Spar Nord Bank A/S Skelagervej 15 9000 Aalborg, Denmark Sort code: 9190 Swift spno dk 22 08.07.2020 Company announcement no. SPAR NORD BANK A/S, SKELAGERVEJ 15, AALBORG, Denmark. These codes are used when transferring money between banks, particularly for international money transfers or SEPA payments. 0.32 km. SPAR NORD BANK A/S BIC / Swift code details. 6 34 4 Cvr. Åben. We charge as little as possible, and we always show you upfront. Denmark. The history of the bank can be traced back to May 12th 1824, where "Bye og Omegns Sparekasse" was established in Aalborg. Renteaendring. 9200 - Aalborg. Send e-mail. SPAR NORD BANK A/S is authorized and supervised by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (reference number 9380). Open Now. When sending or receiving money, always check the SWIFT code with your recipient or bank. 18 Spar Nord revises financial guid-ance quarter of 2020, Spar Nord now expects core earnings before impairment for the full year 2020 in 800-1,050 million range. Q3 2014 29. Ingen tilmelding. Skelagervej 15 (3,927.76 mi) Aalborg, Denmark, 9000. Wise never hides fees in the exchange rate. For a list of our supported countries, please see here. Spar Nord . Spar Nord Bank A/S Executive Board Spar Nord Bank A/S Skelagervej 15 9000 Aalborg, Denmark Sort code: 9190 Swift spno dk 22 12. september 2021 Company announcement no. Find ud af drift timers Spar Nord i Aalborg. Vis nummer. 96 34 40. 5. Call the company. Company announcement no. 27.63 km. SPAR NORD BANK A/S is the 11th largest bank in Denmark in terms of total assets. Skelagervej. Opening hours: Monday - Friday, 9 am - 4 pm Saturday, Sunday - Closed BIC . 9380 Tel. 0.53 km. Spar Nord Bank A/S Executive Board Spar Nord Bank A/S Skelagervej 15 9000 Aalborg Sort code: 9190 Swift spno dk 22 9. september 2021 Company announcement no. It's the same in New Zealand too. Spar Nord i Horsens ligger gebyrer på over for deres kunder som aldrig før, min lille ven, i glemmer lige at skrive hvad gebyrer dække over. SPAR NORD HOLDING A/S; SPAR NORD BANKAKTIESELSKAB; Alternative Names. Copy. In the Eurozone, you'll always need an IBAN and a SWIFT/BIC code. These codes are used when transferring money between banks, particularly for international money transfers or SEPA payments. Banks and financial institutions use them to identify themselves globally. We give you the real rate, independently provided by Reuters. More on IBAN numbers. Derfor tilbyder vi en række selvbetjeningsløsninger, som hjælper dig med at holde styr på din daglige økonomi. Åben. Login Registrer Login med Facebook. Is a SWIFT code the same for all branches. Mødested: Spar Nord Hovedsæde, Skelagervej 15, 9000 Aalborg. Hvor opdateret er din virksomhed? Spar Nord changes IT-platform from SDC to BEC 10. Til að tilgreina vinnutíma er hægt að tilgreina símann: +45 96 34 40 00. 48.62 km. Skelagervej. They may be able to cancel the transaction. Spar Nord Bank is a full-service commercial bank that includes 71 branches, approximately 1,500 employees, and more than 255,000 customers. SPAR NORD BANK A/S: Branch address: SKELAGERVEJ 15: Branch code: XXX: Bank name: SPAR NORD BANK A/S: City: AALBORG: Country: Denmark: SPAR NORD BANK A/S SWIFT Code Details A SWIFT/BIC is an 8-11 character code that identifies your country, city, bank, and branch. Spar Nord Aalborg, Aalborg Storcenter Hobrovej 452. MFI ID DK13737584. Cvr: 13737584. "Nice company cafeteria and a beautiful lobby." Vis nummer. Item Description; SWIFT Code: SPNODK22: Bank: SPAR NORD BANK: Branch Name-Address: SKELAGERVEJ 15: City: AALBORG: Postcode: 9200: Branch Phone-Center Office Phone-Country Virksomhedsinformation . And if they have a fee, they charge you twice. Afmeld? Åbn tilbudsavis . Status. Spar Nord Bank credit ratings: Moody's Long Term CRR: A1 Long Term Debt: (P)A1 Long Term Deposit: A1 Outlook Stable. 96 34 40. It was founded in 1824 with headquarters in Aalborg and Northern Jutland. Adresse: Skelagervej 15, 9000 Aalborg. BIC (SWIFT) SPNODK22XXX. Bank Supervision. 13 3 5 4 Politisk eksponerede personer (PEP) Har den/de reelle ejere eller den daglige ledelse et eller flere af følgende erhverv? 25 Spar Nord upgrades its financial guidance to DKK 1,475-1,575 million and guidance for profit after tax for the year to DKK 1,250-1,350 million. Spar Nord Private Banking+. Pris. Spar Nord Bank Skelagervej 15 Postboks 162 1 Aalborg Tlf. Bestilt ⇡ 23:20:38. I Private Banking har vi specialiseret os i at rådgive formuende kunder. Arrangementet vil ikke længere fremgå . Søren Nielsen A/S Fredrikstadvej 7-9. 0.37 km. Spar Nord Bank Skelagervej 15. Åben. 0.32 km. 24 NOT INTENDED FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, DIRECTLY OR IN-DIRECTLY, IN OR TO THE UNITED STATES, CANADA, AUSTRALIA OR JAPAN OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTION IN WHICH SUCH DISTRIBUTION OR RELEASE WOULD CONSTITUTE A . Spar Nord Bank tilbud i Brønderslev og andre fremhævede kataloger. Vis nummer. 9200 - Aalborg. Wise has not carried out any enquiries on the legal standing of any of the banks and financial institutions listed. (Formand) Kjeld Johannesen Jydeholmen 4 9240 Nibe Danmark Valgform: Generalforsamling John Sørensen Algade 31 9300 Sæby Danmark Valgform: Generalforsamling Henrik Sjøgreen Bego Wagner Gøteborgvej 15-17. medlem af . Gratis. Hvis du har betalt for arrangementet, får du beløbet tilbagebetalt. Banks and other transfer services have a dirty little secret. You are in Please select the language you prefer: Deutsch . 15 9000 AalborgVis ruteplan. Spar Nord Aalborg åbningstider filialer. Uanset hvad fremtiden bringer, vil der altid være brug for en bank som kender kundernes . Åben. Spar Nord Bank A/S Skelagervej 15 9000 Aalborg Authority Authority I D. RA000170. Hvor opdateret er din virksomhed? SPAR NORD BANK A/S is a member of Finansiel Stabilitet and makes its contributions into it. Når du leaser dit transportudstyr, dine landbrugsmaskiner, dit entreprenørmateriel eller produktionsudstyr, slipper du for at investere et større beløb i dine aktiver - i stedet betaler du en månedlig leasingydelse, i den periode du bruger udstyret.